Embracing smart solutions with Manchester
Since our inception in the UK WeMaintain has always had aspirations to become a company with true national coverage to be able to support our customers wherever they may operate. Through the referral of one of our most important customers in London we have been given the opportunity to extend our working relationship with them to Manchester and therefore greatly increase our operational footprint.
We were excited about making Manchester our second home for a number of reasons.
- Firstly, given that we are operating initially within the lift and escalator space we saw the city’s booming real estate high rise construction as a sign that the potential market was growing rapidly. Manchester’s claim to being the UK’s second city is well founded and borne out by the evidence. We believe that a modern skyline with modern buildings require smart technology to operate effectively and we can provide this to any building regardless of age.

- Secondly, Manchester has aspirations to accelerate their push toward being a zero carbon city by embracing smart technology. Having recently announced their new Digital Strategy and Vision, Manchester City Council is keen to leverage digital skills, jobs and solutions to economic challenges. Manchester City Council’s Deputy Leader, Councillor Nigel Murphy says, “The Digital Strategy and Vision aims to ensure that we can find new and innovative solutions that everyone can benefit from.” New and innovative solutions are exactly what WeMaintain has built.
Our technology answers the challenges of building operations meaning we are aligned with this vision and believe we can assist in the transition to make Manchester a truly smart city.
In addition to pushing the digital transformation of Manchester the city council have made public their aim of leading the fundamental change required to become zero carbon.
“Our mission is to make Manchester a healthy, green, socially just city where everyone can thrive. Our target is to become a zero carbon city by 2038 at the latest, 12 years ahead of the Government’s target for the UK of 2050.” - Manchester City Council
To be able to achieve this it will require a cost effective way of retrofitting existing spaces with smart technology to manage energy consumption in a more efficient way. This fits neatly with our philosophy and we believe that synergy will only serve to accelerate our growth in the city now we are established.
Find out more
If you want to know more about how our technology can help optimise your building, contact our UK Head of Sales at cheryl@wemaintain.com.